Prices that you see are inclusive of Product, Customization and shipping anywhere in India

Added on 23-06-2023
BY Your Design Store

Our Services


Solutions for your Merchandising Needs

While we handle the entire merchandise journey from production to delivery, we also provide smart solutions to corporates who would like to create their own online presence- a storefront, a website, or even just a private hub for your employees to order merchandise! Here’s a brief look at the store setups we provide. 

A mini-storefront on our Website 

Sell a limited number of products to your employees / audience without the buy-in of a full-fledged website. List up to 5 products for free, with multiple variant combinations and options.You also gain access to a dashboard that shows you order details, and customer information. 

Check out Clari's Swag Store here:


Your very own company merchandise website

A fully white-labeled and customizable website. This comes with an intuitive and easy to use interface, website builder, space to connect ‘Apps and Extensions’ like your razorpay account, various logistic partners, etc. This platform was built for e-commerce and comes with all the features you need to set up online sales- and connect with our website for easy, seamless order fulfillment. 

Check out the Aether Basics Store here:

A private Hub for your Employees Only

This is a solution specifically designed for orders where the merchandise is pre-decided so the distribution can be automated (Example gift kits, anniversary gifting, employee loyalty SWAG, etc.) This is a private storefront that can only be accessed through specific, pre-approved email IDs. Works ideal for companies that would like to gift their employees without having the hassle of collecting information about size, address, phone number etc.



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